Do older people gamble more

play instantly at gowild's online casino siteHave you ever wondered what kind of age groups gamble more or regularly? The answer is kind two-fold. Whenever you walk into a reputed casino, you will find young adults all over the place. Las Vegas is considered to be heaven for young people. Most of the younger people gamble for the sake of entertainment, while they are not repeat gamblers.

If you visit any normal casino, you will find many elderly people playing. You will also observe they are frequent customers. There are inconclusive arguments that older people gamble more than the younger people. The primary reason being they have more money in the form of retirement savings and also more time. Once they retire, they resort to gambling as it is easy to play. There are news articles that say many people have lost their entire life savings in casinos.

The biggest problem is we have not recognized this as an issue. Right now, no one is talking about elderly population gambling more. Casinos are happy as they are making a fortune. Elderly people due to old age and being alone are easily prone to get depression. This in turn forces them into gambling or drinking. Drug and Alcohol addiction is common among youth, but gambling addiction is a serious issue for senior citizens.  Play instantly at gowild's online casino site

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Gambling disorder in Elderly people is tough to treat because, they are not willing to come out and confess their disorder. They don’t want to confess for a variety of reasons one being social status. The second thing which stops them from speaking out is financial issues. They are afraid to reveal their income sources and what happens to the gains made from the wins. There are unconfirmed reports that more than 50% of gambling addicts are senior people and most of them are males. Only way to treat this issue is by creating awareness among elderly retired people.